August 30, 2012

Cycle Slang: The Hasselhoff

This definition is from

Hasselhoff, or simply "Hoff": A male rider that chooses to go shirtless, also see Pool Boy. A "Hoff" is set apart from a simple pool boy because of copious chest hair.

August 27, 2012

Two Tips to Prevent Knee Injury

by Peter Herreid

Bicycling is a healthy activity, but pedaling at a low cadence on an ill-fitted bike can lead to knee injury. Cadence refers to the revolutions of the pedal crank per minute: the rate at which you are turning the pedals. Higher cadence more evenly applies power throughout the rotation. 

August 20, 2012

Featured Bike Ride Route: Belleville

The 36-mile round trip from Capitol Square to Belleville is a nice ride for both new and seasoned touring cyclists. The Southwest Commuter and Badger trails take you into downtown Belleville, where you can have a picnic in the park or dine at a local cafe.
We like making an early trip for breakfast at the Corner Cafe
The route along the Badger Trail is scenic and is mainly flat, helping to make this trip accessible to those new to longer trips.
Water bottles can be refilled at a drinking fountain in the park
Badger Trail
Crossing the Sugar River

August 16, 2012

WI Bicycle Rights: Riding 2-Abreast

Peter and I were riding 2-abreast chatting on the way home from a trip to Clasen's Bakery when a driver swung around us and shouted, "SINGLE FILE PLEASE!" 

We were pretty sure we were acting within our rights but looked it up, just in case:

Riding 2 abreast is permitted on any street as long as other traffic is not impeded. When riding 2 abreast on a 2 or more lane roadway, you both have to ride within a single lane. [346.80(3)(a)]

August 13, 2012

Bike Tour Clothing Tips

Having cultivated an aversion to cycling garb as a bike commuter, I was quite reluctant to incorporate any pieces into my touring ensemble. I went my first season without – horrified by the mere thought of padded bike shorts and bright, busy jerseys. 

I have since learned the value of cycling-specific clothes on a long bike tour, though this is not defeat. I’ve discovered that it’s possible to have the comfort of performance clothing and to keep it subtle.
Merino wool jerseys are great in heat or cold, moisture wicking, and odor resistant. Also, they can be worn more than once between washings, reducing how many tops you need to bring and won’t stink like polyester active wear will.

After the first year of touring, we upgraded from toe clips to SPD clipless pedals. SPD stands for Shimano Pedaling Dynamics and is a pedal and cleat system of the mountain bike variety. What makes them different from SPD-SL, the road biking system, is that the shoe has one point of attachment and the cleat is recessed in the shoe, making them easier to walk in.
Pulling a knit skirt over your bike shorts, pants or capris will hide the chamois liner (you can also find cycling skorts). Also, looser shorts with a chamois liner are available for men and women. In my experience, padded bottoms make for a comfy ride. There are fewer seams and less fabric to bunch and chafe. Also, your sit bones will thank you.

Braids are great for keeping long hair from becoming tangled and unmanageable.

You will also want clothes and shoes for off the bike. Bring something warm for cool evening and mornings. If there’s any chance of rain I bring a waterproof jacket, pants, and shoe covers. Don’t forget your bathing suit!

For trips longer than over the weekend, I hand wash my chamois and tops along the way, hanging them off my bike to dry as to always have something clean to wear.

August 9, 2012

Cycle Slang: The Annoying Samaritan

This definition comes from

The Annoying Samaritan: Motorized human that cedes right of way to a cyclist when said right of way should not be ceded. The annoying Samaritan does not please the cyclist, who was fully prepared to wait his turn, but rather annoys other motorized humans who direct their ire at the cyclist.

August 6, 2012

Bike Touring and Camping Food Tips

Rare occurrence of cooking while touring

After a day in the saddle, starting a fire and cooking dinner does not appeal to me and I rather not lug around a camp stove and cookware on a bike.  Instead, we bring food that doesn’t require preparation and stop at a café for breakfast.

August 2, 2012