March 29, 2012

How to Carry Laundry by Bike

If you have a rear rack and some bungee cords, you can haul your wash to the laundromat.  If you're not used to carrying a load and are wary of the idea, try it out in your driveway and see how your bike handles - be sure to go more slowly and give yourself more space to turn.

March 26, 2012

Frozen Snot Century 2012: Mission to Madison

by Peter Herreid 

On Saturday morning, March 17th, about a dozen cyclists met at the central Chicago Metra station, where they boarded a train with their bikes and took it to the end of the line in Harvard, IL. From Harvard, they rode about 75 miles to Madison. John Greenfield, author of the book Bars Across America and co-author of, organized the ride through, a Chicago online bicycling network. 

Arriving at the Great Dane in Madison

March 22, 2012

Bike Parking for Apartment Dwellers

 by Peter Herreid

Face it, people are creatures of convenience. Although there are many righteous reasons to ride a bike, it’s the most convenient way to get around the isthmus. However, the simple inconvenience of storing a bike or accessing it are simple, yet powerful factors reducing the number of people who ride bikes. The City of Madison has added much public bike parking capacity, but at home you’re still on your own and for many apartment and condo dwellers, storing a bike is not so convenient.

March 21, 2012

Biking with Kids

My sister recently asked me for some advice on buying a bicycle and outfitting it to tote her children, ages seven and two. I don’t have kids and have never transported one on a bike, so I had to rely on my bicycle commonsense and the blogs of biking mamas. 

Most child transport options are dependent on age and weight such as child seats, trailers and trainers, or you can go for a cargo bike designed for carting your brood around town.   

Capital City Trail

March 15, 2012

March 12, 2012

Know Your Rights, Though, They Won’t Save Your Life

I encourage you to familiarize yourself with the Wisconsin Bicycle Laws at the Department of Transportation site, but don’t let your guard down because you think the law has your back. A state law allowing a cyclist to be on any particular road doesn’t make it safe for them to be there. When riding, it’s tempting to insist on defending cyclists’ turf on the street by not allowing a motorist to encroach on it. However, there is such a thing as being dead right, and what a cost to prove a point!  

March 1, 2012

Featured Bike Ride Route: Nine Springs E-Way Bike & Hike

Take advantage of a sunny day with a ride out to the Nine Springs E-Way.  It's about a five mile ride from the Capitol square to where you can park your bike at the Lussier Family Heritage Center- here are directions.